Western Welcome Week


WHO: Christian Science Church – Littleton  as part of  Western Welcome Week

WHAT:  An interactive talk by Tom McElroy entitled “How You Can Change the World!”

WHERE: Sterne Park (5900 S. Spotswood St., Littleton, CO 80165)

  Cross Streets: West Lake Ave and South Spotswood St.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 13, 2012

  Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm


In a globally conscious world where people are dedicated to making a difference, spirituality offers a valuable, unique contribution. According to international speaker Tom McElroy, “Genuine spirituality isn’t about joining a club, or just helping ourselves. It’s about a universal Love so big, so deep, and so boundless that it embraces everyone, and is capable of bringing people together to find solutions to today’s biggest problems.”

McElroy will present an interactive talk titled, “How you can change the world!” on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 from 7:00 – 8:00pm, at Sterne Park, 5900 S Spotswood St, Littleton.

 McElroy’s ideas are based on the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, and as discussed in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.

 “After graduating from university, I started a career in finance, while also working with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department as a volunteer chaplain in men’s, women’s, and youth correctional facilities, giving Christian Science services and one-on-one interviews. These experiences gave me many opportunities to rely on and prove the power of God’s laws of goodness and harmony, which govern all of creation and bring immeasurable benefits to all mankind, even in the most adverse situations. I now devote myself to the full-time public healing ministry of Christian Science.”

McElroy is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. He has spoken throughout the US and Canada, as well as in Europe, Australia, and Africa. His venues include, prisons, public schools, universities, churches, and shelters. He travels from his home in Boston, Massachusetts.

This event is sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, now celebrating over 100 years in the Littleton community. There is no charge for attending, and these engagements never solicit membership nor donations.  They are a gift to our community!